December 16-31 2023

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday 12/16/23 at 10:43pm. This can cause us to feel lethargic, lazy, confused, and hyper-sensitive. It's also possible that we will be more apt to practice escapism with alcohol or other substances. Pay attention to boundaries at this time and be extra vigilant to keep them strong.

The sun enters the sign of Capricorn at 0 degrees on 12/32123, ushering us into the first decan of Capricorn ruled by Jupiter and the 2 of Pentacles. Two of Pentacles is a card about balance as we see in the image of a juggler depicted in front of topsy turvy water. This card asks us to look at what we are holding in our two hands and reevaluate our priorities. This card asks us to bring more equilibrium to our lives during an imbalanced time as darkness peaks and we celebrate the return of the light.

On Thursday 12/21/23 Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 2:04am. This aspect brings a vibe of unconventional style and unique self-expression. At this time we'll need a lot of space in relationships for personal independence. We could also see some unexpected shakeups in relationship that ultimately lead to our own liberation.

Capricorn season kicks off when the sun moves into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice at 10:27pm on 12/21/23. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, which makes it an initiatory and pragmatic energy. Represented by the sea goat, Capricorns are known to be goal oriented and driven - able to reach unattainable heights by focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and planning each next best step. Ruled by Saturn, this sign understands what it means to put in the work and wait for it to pay off. This sign likes structure and boundaries so use this time to create them. The diligent energy of Capricorn puts plans into action & makes things happen!

Mercury goes cazimi when it conjuncts the sun on 12/22/23 at 1:53pm. This will give us a nice break in the otherwise chaotic time of Mercury retrograde as the Sun provides protection to Mercury. This is generally a fortunate time and a desirable aspect that we should take advantage of to communicate, think clearly, and make a steadfast plan for the remainder of the retrograde.

Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius on Saturday 12/23/23 at 1:17am. This will cause us to go back over the Sagittarius area of our chart and tie up loose ends from the pre shadow period of Mercury retrograde on 11/25/23 - 12/13/23.

There’s a full moon in the emotional and watery sign of Cancer on 12/26/23 at 7:33pm. This is a great time to stay home and spend time with family. Cook, clean, and get in touch with your feelings during this time. The sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus and makes a sextile to the moon so this is a really lovely energy to end the holidays that will hopefully counterbalance the more volatile Mars & Neptune aspects that are also at play.

Mercury squares Neptune on Wednesday 12/27/23 at 2:42am. This brings about some major confusion and difficulty with our mental processes. While this aspect can also stimulate our imagination, it can be difficult to articulate our thoughts. This can also be a time when we can’t necessarily trust that what others are communicating to us is actually based in reality. Know that we might not be seeing or thinking clearly at this time, so be cautious. This aspect can also dysregulate our nervous system, bringing anxiety and hypersensitivity to our environment.

Mercury and Mars conjoin on Wednesday 12/27/23 at 24 degress Sagittarius at 7:31pm. This energy can speed up our thoughts, communication, and nervous system and make us more apt to lash out in anger or be irrational. Take special care with Mercury still retrograde to channel this energy into something productive. Mars is sharp and focused and needs a target to strike way ahead of time considering the Mercury Neptune square earlier in the day. Pick the target before it picks you!

Mars squares Neptune at 5:15pm on Thursday 12/28/23. Mars and Neptune notoriously make some of the most challenging aspects and energy. Anger can be misplaced, misdirected, and projected. This aspect can be associated with health issues or substance abuse issues. We can feel unmotivated or a lack of drive OR we can take action on the behalf of others when we shouldn’t, so don’t commit or take on additional responsibilities at this time.

Venus moves into the sign of Sagittarius on Friday 12/29/23 at 3:23pm bringing a love of freedom, learning, and travel with it! This benefic energy bodes well for our big picture plans and opportunities to grow and expand. We’ll also want more independence and space in relationships at this time. Look to the house in your chart ruled by Sagittarius to see where you can expect this positive energy to manifest for you personally.

Jupiter stations direct at 5° Taurus at 9:40pm on Saturday 12/30/23. This brings an energy of “internal wisdom leading to external opportunity”. This will allow Jupiter to bring more of its great benefic energy to the Taurus ruled area of our lives and allow us to feel more optimistic and positive in general. We may also feel more clear about our beliefs after this retrograde period of reflection.

The sun hits 10° entering the second decan of Capricorn ruled by Mars and the 3 of Pentacles on New Year’s Eve. This card is about collaboration and putting our efforts to mastery. Opportunities come with 3 of Pentacles as we take our work to the next level, creating something stable and long lasting. Put yourself out there with this card’s energy and be confident in your skill set.


December 1-15 2023